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The ASTM Compliant Drone ParaPrep Program

The Low Risk / High Reward Drone Parachute Consultation Program

Powered by Fruity Chutes

It is difficult to make it in the drone industry

Achieving success in the drone industry can feel exceedingly challenging with constantly changing regulations, swift technical advancements, and new competitors popping up often.

But there is a way to BEAT THE ODDS…

The ASTM F3322 Standard is the big barrier to dominating the overly saturated industry with your brilliant drone innovation. It’s confusing, it’s costly, it’s time consuming, and it’s risky. However, if you are able to achieve it, you unlock the doors to the never-been-done-before.

Certification = Waivers

Achieving ASTM F3322 certification gives your system the chance to win WAIVERS and other APPROVALS from the FAA, EASA, and other CAAs.

The ASTM Compliant Drone ParaPrep Program

The ASTM Compliant Drone ParaPrep Program by Fruity Chutes makes this possible! Our program removes the risk, time and money constraints that come from going it alone.

We know everything there is to know about ASTM F3322.

Fruity Chutes is a proud member in the work group that authored the ASTM F3322 standard for parachutes as a safety system for flight over people.

With our consultation and guidance, we prepare you to fly through third party testing. You can mark your territory in the industry through ASTM certification while spending the fewest resources possible in the process.

Meet Fruity Chutes, the ASTM F3322 experts!

Since 2007 and with more than 4000 customers Fruity Chutes has paved the way as the world leader in UAS recovery. We are a manufacturer of premium quality parachutes for aerospace, consumers, institutional, university and corporate customers who demand exceptional quality, have exacting requirements and expect exceptional service.

Our parachutes are used for all types of rocketry, unmanned air vehicles (UAV) parachutes, multirotor and multicopter parachutes, drone parachutes, RC aircraft parachutes, and balloon research. All our products are US made from US materials.

After guiding many customers through the ASTM process we witnessed just how resource consuming this process was for those pursuing the certification. We saw many customers needing to compromise innovation, halt their workflow, and spend a lot of manpower to try to figure it all out.

Having been a part of the F38 workgroup to create the ASTM F3322 and witnessing this struggle we decided to formally create a consultation program to address these hindrances. In 2023 we launched The ASTM Compliant Drone ParaPrep Program.

We take our 16 years of knowledge, experience of working with thousands of customers, and expertise on the standard to help companies sail through the process at a fraction of the otherwise steep cost.

Introducing ASTM, But Simple

You have enough to do. Leave the hassle to us so you can get through third party testing with ease.

Passing the ASTM standards means being able to stake your claim in the roller coaster that is the drone industry. It is the barrier that stands in the way of achieving waivers and approval from the FAA, EASA, and other CAAs.

But getting through the process can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in manpower. With our consultation and guidance, we prepare you to fly through third party testing. This way you can mark your territory in the industry through ASTM certification while spending the fewest resources possible in the process.

4 Main Features for Success

done in 18 months or less

lightbulb icon, your innovation

Parachute design consultation

your innovation: un-stifled

Consulting via phone or video to ensure your drone design is parachute ready. This means you will avoid having to go back to the drawing board delaying the process and possibly stifling your innovation. 20 hours are included.

pencil and cogs icon, your workflow

Custom turnkey parachute system development

your workflow: undisturbed

Want to avoid needing to upend your entire workflow to figure out a parachute? No need! We will take care of the research, development, and custom manufacturing as needed to develop a parachute system just for your drone. 50 hours are included.

Fruity Chutes logo

Prototype testing

money & resources: saved

The testing and refinement phase of our program is especially important. We take your drone and the custom created parachute system to an air field and perform tests similar to the TPTA over 3 separate days. Between these testing days we refine the parachute recovery system design. This way you can approach the TPTA with confidence to avoid any costly surprises.

pdf icon, paperwork done for you

Parachute manual & paperwork done for you

tailored guidance: no guessing

Having the right documentation is paramount if you want to be ASTM certified. We will take care of the Parachute Manual and other required paperwork. You won’t need to sift through the standard making sure every detail is accounted for. We will do it for you.

Optional Add-Ons

Fruity Chutes Representative at TPTA Testing Site

Cuts down on testing time 30-50%

Going through TPT is expensive. One failure generally means having to restart the whole test suite from the beginning. Have us there and you will save valuable time and money.

Consult with us During your Waiver or other Approval Process

At least 2x time saved

Confusing follow ups from the entity you are trying to win the approval of? Rely on our expertise and consult with us during the FAA, EASA or other Third Party Entity process via phone or video.

Onsite training for Certification of Re-packing and Inspection

Save 25k to 100k in legal fees

If you are worried about maintaining your reputation you will want to book us for this. We will come to your facilities and make sure that everyone understands the proper parachute system re-packing and inspection procedures.

What’s this all worth?

Going through the ASTM process on your own can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in manpower.

We do it for you at a fraction of the cost.

We will talk about your investment during your Qualifying Call.

Enrollment Is Limited

To ensure every customer who joins the program receives the proper attention and service enrollment into the program is based on availability and meeting qualifications.

Reserve My Spot

Frequently Asked Questions

Will we actually save money on this process by going through this program?

We know it is important to consider ROI with these decisions. Remember that going through this process on your own trying to DIY and figure the standard out could easily cost over $125k and 300 hours in man power on your own. It is a complicated and hard process. We are saving you money and time by going with us. We have the expertise, knowledge, and answers to do it much more efficiently. Plus you don’t need to totally disrupt your workflow to pursue this process. Let us do the hard work.

I see other companies have ASTM parachute systems for sale. If your parachute systems are ASTM compliant can’t you just figure out the ASTM paperwork and then give it to me?

It is true some parachute companies have decided to go through the ASTM process with a few specific, mainly DJI, drones. The ASTM process requires the specific drone AND the specific parachute system to be certified together. This program is meant for OEMs, integrators, and other larger drone users like service providers. This program is about supporting and guiding these customers so that their drones can pass ASTM with flying colors.

18 months is a long time. Can we get through this process faster?

If you are eager to go through this process then we are excited too. ASTM opens many doors so we understand the desire to want to complete it sooner. Technically the process can be completed faster. It depends on how ready your system is for a parachute and your availability to get us any information we need to make things happen.

Oftentimes we find drone designs are just not ready for any parachute system at all. That is why we include design consultation as a part of our program. In the end you will probably save time going through this process than you otherwise would have.

We allow 18 months per company in our program to ensure we are available to fully support. We don’t just let everyone and anyone into this program. We want to make sure you have our full attention.

Our drone isn’t design-ready for a parachute. Should we wait to join the program?

Diligence to parachute readiness when it comes to drone design is something that we very much appreciate. We understand wanting to get it right before starting this process. But we encourage you to NOT wait to join our program. We help you with this step. As part of the program we consult with you before developing a parachute system to make sure your drone is ready for a parachute and you are not needing to keep re-designing.

Do you have the resources to help us with this? I hear you are self-funded.

We get it. There are some big companies in this industry who have deep VC funded pockets to do a lot. But we believe the fact that we are self-funded actually makes us a better pick to go through the ASTM process with.

The reason: our goal is to please you first. Not investors. Our goal is and has always been to make sure that our customers are happy. This is why our customer count over these last 16 years is over 4000 and growing!

Plus our rolodex of access to different resources outside of what we already use to manufacture our own product line is extensive.

Do we have to understand the standard to be part of the program?

The standard is A LOT to try to understand. But the good news is that you don’t need to have an in-depth understanding to join the program.

We helped create the standard and understand the intricacies. We do the tedious work of making sure your parachute system and drone are compliant with the standard and ready for the TPTA.

Is this program a good idea if we are based outside the US?

ASTM certification is the gateway to many waivers and approvals through EASA and other CAAs. If they accept ASTM certification for whatever waiver or approval you desire then going through the program would be beneficial.

We have the time to figure this out. Can’t we just do the ASTM process on our own?

Yes, you could technically do that. Keep in mind one day of TPTA testing costs $$$$$ and one failure means starting over again. Plus the cost spent trying to DIY your own system, navigate the standard, and having to account for all the required material conformities could easily run you over $125k.

I have a comprehensive background in aerospace engineering. Can I just figure this out myself?

We are sure you totally could! But consider everything you already have on your plate. Do you really want to upend your workflow to figure this out? Let us do it for you so you can continue all the projects that already need your attention.

How do we know this is the right fit for our company?

We appreciate your caution as this is important to us too. We encourage you to ask yourself: what not having ASTM certification is keeping you from doing?

We have had many customers successfully complete ASTM certification and are now scaling and growing in incredible ways because they have been able to acquire waivers and approvals that opened doors of possibility.

Does this guarantee I will pass the TPTA?

While we cannot provide an absolute assurance of success in the TPTA, our program is designed to significantly enhance your likelihood of achieving a positive outcome. Our comprehensive approach combines rigorous preparation, proven methodologies, and expert guidance, all geared towards maximizing your potential for success in the TPTA.

What is the Qualifying Call for?

The Qualifying Call allows us the opportunity to make sure that the program aligns with your goals. During the call we will ask questions to gain a better understanding of your company and what you hope to do with ASTM certification. We will also break down for you how the process of being in the program will work. You will have the opportunity to ask us any and all questions pertaining to the program.

Can anyone join the program?

While we would like to admit all who are interested, admission is based on meeting the proper qualifications and availability. It is important to us to make sure that we admit those who we believe will most benefit from the program. In order to give our fullest attention we must limit enrollment.

Is this for any drone type?

We work with multicopters, VTOL, fixed wing, and most other drone platforms.

Next: ASTM F3322 FAQ