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More Recovery Gear

Products to Complete the Solution for UAV, Drones, and Rocket UAS Recovery

We can make you a deployment bag as well as custom bridles and shock cords. Let us know when you order if you need shock cords of specific length and loops. We can quickly sew these for you - no more bulky knots!

Deployment Bag

We now offer a range of deployment bags that cover a wide range of requirements - and you can now order directly online.

Sizing Your Bag

First choose a bag that fits your airframe diameter. You can also choose a bag that is smaller; however, it should not be too small or it could shift in the airframe. Next choose a bag length that can accommodate at least your parachute's specified packing volume. Longer is acceptable, but shorter can be a problem. It is sometimes possible to pack a larger parachute into a given bag volume, but you should contact us to be sure. If space is at a premium, we can assist with both sizing your parachute and bag. We can even customize your parachute to make it more compact if needed.

Pictured here is the CDB-55, 12" bag. Ideal for your 120" parachute. 
This bag fits a 5.5" or 6" airframe and once packed is just 12" long.

Dual or Multiple Parachutes - If you want to deploy multiple parachutes, simply ensure the sum of your parachutes' packing volumes will fit into the chosen bag - easy! 

Airframe Diameter
Length (inches)
Volume Range (in cu")
Click each item for more information.
6, 9, 12
31 - 63 cu"
6, 9, 12, 15
58 - 147 cu"
5.5" and 6"
8, 12, 16, 20
133 - 380 cu"
10, 14, 18, 22
384 - 845 cu"

Custom Sized

We can also quote you a custom bag when you have special requirements; please contact us for this.

When to Use Deployment Bags

A deployment bag is a good idea for parachutes of around 84" or larger. They are essential if you are using multiple parachutes. We use high quality IIIA Nomex fabric and thread for our bags. The bags come with elastic straps to hold the shroud lines and shock cords. We tack the elastic bands in the center, making them ideal for dual parachute use. Let us know if you want a bag for triple parachutes and we will split the elastic into three sections - one for each parachute.

Parachute deployment bag
Here is a CFC-120" Parachute loaded into the bag. Nice and neat!

How to Pack a Deployment Bag:

Please see our new How to pack a Deployment Bag pictorial. Also note the directions below:

1 – If needed, connect the inner retaining strap to the crown loop on the parachute. This keeps the bag connected to the parachute (unless you're doing a “free bag” style of deployment). Connect the other end of the strap (the outside end) to a deployment parachute or another object that can pull the bag off the chute.

2 – Starting at the crown of the parachute, grab a handful of material and stuff it into the end of the bag.

3 – Continue grabbing handfuls and continue stuffing the parachute in tightly. The bag will stretch some, but it is sized to fit into the airframe even with stretching taken into account.

4 – Finally, stuff the skirt of the parachute in. If there is room for any shroud lines, also pack these in. When done this way, the bag can simply be turned upside down, and with a few shakes the parachute will fall out. It’s simple and reliable.

5 – Z-fold the remaining shroud lines under the straps, being careful not to wind them up. Neatness counts! It is not necessary to fold all the shroud lines., or some can be put in the bag if they will fit. Do not put the bridle under the straps or it will wind-up.

Do not pre-fold the parachute and stuff it in the bag – it won’t come out!

Even though the bag is made of Nomex, I like to use a heat protector blanket to keep it nice and clean.

Recovery Tether

We resell the Tinder Rocketry Tender Descender recovery tethers. These are generally used when you want to do dual-deployment out of the same end of your airframe. Use the tether with a deployment bag for your main parachute to restrain the main inside your rocket until you want it to come out.

The Tender Descender works via a simple principle. Two quick-links are restrained by pins pushed through a machined housing. A small BP charge is loaded into the housing chamber in the center, just 0.15G for the smaller units, 0.2G for the larger one. When fired, the pins are pushed out and the quick-links are released. The Kevlar cord keeps the pin assembly and the housing attached to one of the quick links. The other quick-link is completely released.

IMPORTANT: For an excellent narrative and illustration of how to use a recovery tether device, visit our customer Giacomo Bosso's posting here: EURocketry Forum: "Airframe Configuration for ARRD." In this case, the illustration shows the ARRD; however, using the Tender Descender device is exactly the same.

Picture of the Tender Descender 

Two Models Available:

The Tender Descender L2 has the same dimensions as the HDPE version but is made from heat-treated, copper-toned, anodized aluminum. The L2 weighs just 52 grams with its stainless steel quick links, yet it can take an initial shock load of as much as 2,000 pounds and will release with up to 500 pounds attached. This device is intended for larger rocket projects up to around 60 pounds.

The Tender Descender L3 is an incredibly strong tether made from heat-treated, copper-toned, anodized aluminum and measures 2 ¼”L x ¾”W x 1”T (without the quick links attached). The L3 weighs just 5 ounces including the ¼” stainless steel quick links. This device can take an initial shock load of over 5,000 pounds, releasing cleanly with over 1,000 pounds attached. This device is intended for rockets weighing up to 300 pounds or more.

Download the Manual

Cable and Line Cutters

We resell the Prairie Twister cable cutter. Designed to be a simple, single-tube dual deployment device, the cable cutter can be positioned next to the parachute, shroud lines, shock cord, or attached to quick links like typical tethers. The system is entirely contained (no external moving parts) and is only 0.375" diameter and about 1.75" long. Use the cutter with a deployment bag for your main to restrain the main inside your rocket until you want your main to come out. Download the instructions here.

Electronic Products

These include wire kits and other cool stuff here.

Parachute Liners and Nomex Protectors

We offer a range of parachute liners and nomex blankets sized for your airframe.

Recovery Harness

Get a high quality harness to attach your shock cord to. 

Shock Cords

We have five sizes of Nylon, and three sizes of Spectra cordage all with pre-sewn loops and in multiple lengths. We also sell most cordage by the yard. Click here to order.

Recovery Hardware

We have quick links (carabiners), swivels, launch lugs and other cool hardware here.

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