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Pack and Load the Skycat Drone Parachute Launcher

This guide will help you pack and prepare the Skycat spring loaded Drone Parachute Launcher. The Harrier 50mm and 56mm laucnerhs are also loaded very similar to this tutorial with only a small change. Before starting make sure you have done the initial folding of the Iris parachute. Refer to our tutorial showing how to fold a parachute. Follow this guide up to the beginning of Step 4, stopping after "fold the parachute canopy into thirds to create a long rectangle shape."

Note for loading the Harrier launcher: Packing the parachute for the Harrier launcher is loaded the same as the Skycat. For the Harrier launcher first arm the Harrier piston following the directions here, use steps 2 - 4. Then to load the parachute into the launcher follow the steps 12 - 44 in this tutorial. After packing Harrier launcher comes with a cap you you can put that on.

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