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Pack and Load the Skycat Drone Parachute Launcher
This guide will help you pack and prepare the Skycat spring loaded Drone Parachute Launcher. The Harrier 50mm and 56mm laucnerhs are also loaded very similar to this tutorial with only a small change. Before starting make sure you have done the initial folding of the Iris parachute. Refer to our tutorial showing how to fold a parachute. Follow this guide up to the beginning of Step 4, stopping after "fold the parachute canopy into thirds to create a long rectangle shape."
Note for loading the Harrier launcher: Packing the parachute for the Harrier launcher is loaded the same as the Skycat. For the Harrier launcher first arm the Harrier piston following the directions here, use steps 2 - 4. Then to load the parachute into the launcher follow the steps 12 - 44 in this tutorial. After packing Harrier launcher comes with a cap you you can put that on.
Step 1In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to load this IFC-60-SUL parachute into the Skycat X55 launcher.
Step 2First we'll need these tools in order to ready the Skycat launch tube. These include wire cutters, and needle nose pliers. Also the fuse hook wire that comes with the kit.
Step 3First let's make to make the fuse link that will hold down the launcher piston. The directions are in the fuse pack. We start by cutting a length of fuse wire to the length shown in the instructions. This will be 125mm for the X48 canister, or 135mm for the X55 and X68 canister.
Step 4After cutting thread a couple of crimps onto the fuse wire. The crimps are made of soft metal that will be crushed around the fuse wire to hold it in place. Use needle nose pliers to crimp the links.
Step 5Crimp the wire into place. We use 2 crimps to be sure it can't let go under any conditions.
Step 6One end is finished. Follow the directions on the card to get the dimensions correct.
Step 7Then we finish the other loop and make sure it is the correct length. If the length is too short it will be harder to load the launcher. If too long you will give up important parachute packing space.
Step 8Now we will install the fuse wire between the electrodes. First we get the fuse in place by using the fuse wire tool (music wire) to hook one end of the link to the piston electrode. Thread the fuse wire tool up through the base center up to the piston center hole.
Step 9Hook a fuse link loop over the electrode, and to the fuse wire tool loop. Put some tension on the link so it's pulled down into the piston.
Step 10Then use the piston loader tool (PVC pipe) to depress the piston. While it's being depressed pull up on the hook wire to keep the link in place on the electrode. TIP - It helps to have some help. One person pushes down the canister to depress the piston. The other person pulls up on the fuse link tool.
Step 11Now with the piston fully depressed align the fuse link loop across from the hole for the base electrode. Insert the electrode into the canister and through the link loop end. Keeping the piston depressed remove the fuse hook wire. This completed the launcher preparation.
Step 12Now it's time to prepare the parachute to be folded. Follow the tutorial "How to fold an Iris Parachute" and complete Step 1 through Step 22.
Step 14To make packing the parachute as efficient as possible we want to fold and roll the parachute to be the same length as the inside depth of the canister. This is also called packing length. So we measure the packing depth of the launcher. We are using calipers in this case to measure the length.
Step 15For the Skycat the canister blanket is the same width as the canister depth. The Harrier launchers use the same blankets are very close to the same depth. In any case it's best to use the measured canister depth as a guide to how to fold the parachute.
Step 16As a good visual we have laid the calipers next to the parachute. We will Z-Fold the chute so it is this length. We use a rigger weight to hold the end of the chute in place. Any suitable weight can be used here.
Step 19This shows the desired folds. Again these are weighted in place. You can get weights like this at Paragear. They are handy for rigging the parachute.
Step 22We position the blanket with the net side down under the canopy half way. When we roll the canopy we will also roll the blanket around the canopy.
Step 23Again we weight the lines onto the canopy to keep them in place on the blanket.
Step 24So we don't loose the canister blanket after deployment we can cut a small slit in the corner and run the shock cord through the slit.
Step 26While rolling pick up the blanket and continue to roll. It's important to roll very tight.
Step 27This shows holding the end of the blanket and then pulling the blanket very tight around the canopy.
Step 28We recommend using some 3 x 12" pieces of masking tape to help keep the blanket in place! First tape the center of the rolled canopy.
Step 30Now do the same on each end. Before taping tighten the roll, then tape around the canopy to hold it in place.
Step 32Do a test to make sure it fits ok. With tape it should fit easily. It's ok if the bundle is a little longer than the packing length at this point. TIP: If you expect to need multiple parachutes packed and standing by you can store the parachute taped ready to be installed.
Step 35Fold over the Z-folded lines and put into the bottom of the canister. Leave the end of the shock cord out so it can be connected later.
Step 36Now insert the end of the rolled canopy just inside the canister. Remove the tape closest to the canister.
Step 43Now push down the parachute about 1/2 to 3/5" down so it will fit into the canister and not hang out.
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