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PUAVL-6 Packing Tutorial - Nylon Shock Cord
This tutorial shows you how to pack the PUAVL-6 canister with a nylon shock cord by winding it. This tutorial shows the IFC-192-S chute with a 6"D canister, the same as the PUAVL tutorial. Follow the PUAVL Packing Tutorial first to Step 40. Then at the point you fold the Spectra shock cord switch to this tutorial on how to wind and then pack the nylon cord.
The nylon shock cord is not Z-folded the same way the Spectra chock cord is done. The shock cord is the 9/16. 3000" test nylon webbing, 7 yards long. Once properly wound, it fits into the cap nicely. The winding method periodically reverses the winding direction in order to remove the twists from the cord once it extends.
Step 1This shows the items being used in this pictorial. Items shown are the PUAVL canister with the chute already loaded per the general PUAVL pictorial. For the general pictorial stop at Step 39, before the shock cord is Z-folded and then follow this pictorial. For this pictorial we are going to pack a 7 yard shock cord on top of the parachute and chute liner. The wood jig with holes is a simple tool we use to wind cord. This method allows for a very efficient pack by wrapping the cord like a "cinnamon roll".
Step 2We insert a wood peg into the center of the board. This will assist with winding the cord in a spiral pattern. You can make your own jig.
Step 3With one of the shock cord loops held out, we start by tightly winding the cord around itself like a cinnamon roll.
Step 4At four wraps we fold the cord back and go the other direction. My right index finger is holding the loop where the cord reverses.
Step 5After 4 more wraps I use a needle nose plyer with a hooked end and put it in the first loop and pull the loose end to tighten the wraps. Pull very tight.
Step 6Then reverse and go the other way. At four wraps use the plyers again to tighten the wraps.
Step 7Repeat tightening, and reversing, then four more wraps until we get near the end of the shock cord.
Step 9Reversing again near the end so the direction of the cord will match up to the direction the quick link will be when connected to the bridle end.
Step 10We pull up the wrapped cord, because it's tight it stays together while being positioned on top of the packed chute. Note that reversing the wraps every four or so wraps effectively allows the cord to unfurl without twisting, or minimal twists.
Step 12Pull out some of the center wraps, this end will exit the canister cap and connect to the drone.
Step 16The bundle is rotated so the shock cords end is adjacent to the parachute bridle, with just enough space to insert a quick link.
Step 17This shows the quick link connection between the shock cord and the parachute bridle. Also note the cord reversals every four wraps.
Step 20Orient the cap to be pinned to the canister. The shock cord will fit right into the cap.
Step 22Push down into place. Check to make sure the shock cord and chute liner is inside the caps inside shoulder.
Step 24Insert the same hooked needle nose plyers in the first hole once aligned with the CF canister.
Step 25Then insert the nylon sheer pin (nylon 4-40 screw) into the opposite side hole and canister.
Step 26Keep working around the canister cap inserting all the pins. Also remove the plyers and insert a pin into that hole.
Step 27This shows the cap pined into place. Note that the canister is not drilled for all cap hole positions, this is on purpose. But do put pins into all available canister holes available. This sets the amount of CO2 pressure the cap needs to break loose and is key to having the parachute eject as high as possible.
Step 29Secure the shock cord outside the canister to the side using a single layer of masking tape. Upon ejection the force will break the tape loose.
Step 33Here is the canister ready for flight! We always recommend ground testing your system before you fly to ensure your packing method is correct. When done with care the parachute deployment is highly reliable.
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