Jolly Logic Chute Release and AltimeterThree Recording Altimeter

Jolly Logic parachute release device

Author: Gene Engelgau | Published: Jan 21, 2016

The chute release is a cool little device that lets you control the altitude at which your parachute opens.

UPDATE January 13, 2023 - We now have our own parachute release device, the Raven On-Landing Parachute Release. Please contact us for pricing and availability.


For model rocketry, a chute release is a small electronic device that holds your rocket parachute closed until it drops to an altitude of your choosing. We've been watching this product development for some time. I remember John Beans having a prototype at NARCON 2013, and I thought it was pretty cool. Anyway it's out now and available.

Basically this device can either retain or reef your parachute until you reach a pre-determined altitude. It then releases and your parachute can fully inflate. It features numerous features and you can control the release altitude.

We also picked up the Jolly Logic AltimeterThree altitude recording device. It can also record acceleration on three axis.

Jolly Logic AltimeterThree

Topics: General News,Electronics,Parachute Ejection and Deployment,New Products