DroneCore System Completes ASTM Testing and Validation

| Published: Oct 22, 2020
ASYLON’s American-Made DroneCore system completes ASTM Testing and Validation by Northern Plains UAS Test Site
ASYLON's American-Made DroneCore System Completes ASTM Testing and Validation by Northern Plains UAS Test Site
DroneCore System Completes ASTM Testing and Validation
GRAND FORKS, ND – The Northern Plains UAS Test Site (NPUASTS) has completed the testing and compliance process for ASYLON’s DroneCore system in accordance with ASTM F3322-18. ASYLON’s automated parachute system is the first step in seeking a waiver for small, unmanned aerial system (UAS) flights over people.
Press release provided by ASYLON
ASTM F3322-18 Standard Specification for UAS Parachutes was designed to enable civil aviation authorities, like the FAA, to determine whether a parachute system is airworthy for flight over human beings. Among other requirements, the standard defines over 45 aerial deployment tests in various failure scenarios, verified by a third party.
ASYLON’s DroneCore system is the only American-made UAS manufacturer to internally develop an integrated parachute recovery system for their platform in compliance with ASTM standards. Not only does this provide an extra level of safety for every operation completed with these UAS, it also positions customers to receive advanced waivers for flights over people more quickly, efficiently, and affordably.
“Receiving this certification continues to validate our engineering team's ‘safety first and always’ approach,” said Adam Mohamed, ASYLON’s Chief Technology Officer. “It delivers on our regulatory roadmap to our customers, enabling, safe automated operations in the national airspace.” In collaboration with Fruity Chutes, Asylon is teaming with experts in the space of parachute recovery systems to deliver industry best practices for advanced (automated) UAS flight operations.
NPUASTS provided third-party validation for ASYLON’s DroneCore system to verify its compliance with ASTM standards. Parachute development and validation facilitates further safe integration of UAS into the National Airspace System (NAS), which is an integral part of NPUASTS’ mission. The ability to operate UAS over human beings safely is a huge step forward in the UAS industry.
“The development of parachute systems, like ASYLON’s DroneCore system, enables UAS operations over people and advances the entire industry towards more and more complex operations,” said Nicholas Flom, executive director of NPUASTS. NPUASTS has also partnered with Asylon as part of the FAA’s Integration Pilot Program (IPP), which aims to further efforts to integrate UAS into the UAS while increasing public understanding and acceptance of UAS.
ASYLON DroneCore customers can now leverage this certification to gain flight over people waivers, and are within arm’s reach of BVLOS waivers for their specific automated perimeter security use cases.
About the Northern Plains UAS Test Site
The Northern Plains UAS Test Site ;is one of seven Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) UAS test sites in the nation. The mission of the NPUASTS is to collaborate with FAA and industry partners to develop systems, rules, and procedures to safely integrate unmanned aircraft into the National Airspace System without negatively impacting existing general or commercial aviation.
ASYLON is an American-made security drone manufacturer headquartered in Philadelphia, PA. Our team contains world-class experts in the autonomous drone space with over 50 years of combined military, civilian and commercial experience.
DroneCore by ASYLON provides autonomous perimeter security for historically difficult and costly to protect facilities. Our automated aerial security robot has proven to help organizations reduce perimeter security spending while increasing coverage in dangerous vulnerable areas. As a bonus DroneCore integrates with existing security technologies to make legacy investments smarter!