New Harrier Parachute Launcher is Light, Compact, and Easy to Use

| Published: Jan 16, 2018
New Harrier Parachute Launcher
Light, Compact, and Easy to Use!
For Immediate Release - January 16, 2018
Los Gatos, California, USA
New Harrier Parachute Launcher: Light, Compact, and Easy to Use!
Ask and you shall receive! For some time, our Fruity Chutes friends have been asking us to manufacture a small spring loaded launcher perfect for fixed wing and small multicopters, like the DJI Mavic Pro and 3DR Solo. In answer, Fruity Chutes is proud to present Harrier Drone Parachute Launcher!
Harrier Launcher With Generic Mount
Our Core Design Objectives
Our core design objectives for the Harrier launcher were light weight, compact, ease of use, and reliability. The Harrier features a thin wall carbon fiber canister, lightweight nylon components, and a high energy compression spring. Because we wanted the new launcher to be as compact and light as possible, we designed a new line of parachutes called the “Iris Ultra Zero.” The IFC-30-SUZ (30 inch) parachute weighs just 27.7 grams and is rated at 1.25kg @ 4.6 m/s! Currently the “Iris Ultra Zero” parachute is only available with the Harrier launcher. The complete 40mm Harrier with the IFC-30-SUZ parachute weighs just 81 grams and is only 103mm tall.
Coming February 2018 - Harrier Mount for DJI Mavic Pro!
The beauty of this little launcher is that it is perfect for not only multicopter drones but also fixed wing UAS! We are currently offering three sizes, but will grow the product line to include many sizes and diameters.
Harrier Products Complete with Parachute
Harrier 40-30: Length 4.06 in, Rating 1.25 kg @ 4.6 m/s, Total Weight 81.3 g, $310.00 - HUAV-40-30-SUZ
Harrier 40-36: Length 5.06 in, Rating 1.8 kg @ 4.6 m/s, Total Weight 128.4 g, $330.00 - HUAV-40-36-SUZ
Harrier 40-42: Length 6.05 in, Rating 2.5 kg @ 4.6 m/s, Total Weight 153.6 g, $352.00 - HUAV-40-42-SUZ
Limited quantities are available now for purchase and evaluation. For questions and availability, contact us.
About Fruity Chutes
Fruity Chutes is a world leader in the manufacturing of recovery systems for Drones, Multicopter, Fixed Wing, VTOL, RC Aircraft, Rocket parachute recovery and other UAS. We provide parachute recovery systems to many of the top UAS manufacturers including AAI Textron, Quest UAV, Silent Falcon, Aeromao, Zipline, Matternet and more. Other customers who use our products include Space X, Google, Intel, NASA, MIT and Boeing. Many US and EU aerospace companies are working with our products, integrating them into their UAS products. Our top priority is to work with manufacturers and to help provide them with our world class recovery systems.